Local Community Blogs: Metroblogging

Auf der Unternehmenswebsite von Bode-Media fand ich einen interessanten Artikel. Das Unternehmen betreibt seit 2003 international ausgerichtet Community-Blogs, also Blogs, die über ihr lokal verortetes Umfeld berichten. Metroblogging haben sie das genannt und im deutschsprachigen Raum gibt es Blogger in Berlin, Wien und Graz (ja richtig, die auf Englisch bloggen).

In ihrem Text schreiben die Gründer von Bode Media einige Hintergründe auf und gehen dabei vor allem auf den Faktor “community-driven” und andere interessante Aspekte ein.

Obviously at Metroblogging, we disagree with that notion (note: that aggregation sites are more sustainable). Don’t get me wrong, I love sites like Placeblogger and Outside.In – I’m a local junkie so the more avenues to find cool content the better – but the content is what I’m ultimately looking for. I’ve never considered aggregation a business model because it’s so easily replicated, and customizable with any number of tools that anyone online has access to. While these services are fantastic for finding new things, on a daily basis my own RSS reader serves up a more tailored collection of content that was built to my specific needs. Good content on the other hand can only be found at it’s source.

Zur Existenzgründung und über Venture Capital:

Putting $3 million into an thriving community is going to have an entirely different effect than putting $3 million into a community that doesn’t exist. Scaling correctly with local can be boiled down simply to not putting the cart before the horse. It’s been over 3 years since we launched our first local blog in Los Angeles and we’ve been growing consistently every since to the point that we now have sites in 51 cities around the world. Of course we’ve had speedbumps like anyone else, but the more we trusted in our community the better things have worked out.

Sehr lesenswert, auch im kompletten Zusammenhang.

January 30th, 2008 Kategorie: Diskurs, Fundsachen, Lehrstück

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Gilly  |  March 7th, 2008 at 1:24 am

    Hm, mal schauen wann sowas für den deutschprachigen Raum kommt.

  • 2. Martin Wisniowski  |  March 7th, 2008 at 1:46 am

    Ja, es müsste einfach jemand machen.

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